1) Tuisyen Individu ni macam mana yer?
Perkhidmatan Tuisyen
Individu yang kami tawarkan ialah menghantar cikgu (Tutor) ke rumah pelajar.
Belajar secara FOKUS hanya di rumah masing-masing.
2) Boleh ker belajar di rumah, saya takut
proses pembelajaran terganggu?
In Sha Alloh tuan/puan, tuan/puan Cuma sediakan sedikit ruangan sahaja untuk
sesi pembelajaran dan pastikan suasana persekitaran tidak menggangu proses
3) Ok, dari segi
cikgu pula macam mana? Saya nak cikgu sekolah, ada ker?
puan, untuk cikgu kami pula, kami menyediakan lepasan universiti yang betul2
BERPENGALAMAN dalam mengajar one to one, mereka ini semua telah lepas dalam
sesi interview yang kami lakukan. Cikgu sekolah agak susah untuk kami pegang,
disebabkan kegangan masa.
4) Habis tu, mereka
tahu ker silibus/format terkini?
In Sha
Alloh puan, mereka selalu update dengan pihak sekolah dan kami pihak pengurusan
sendiri pun akan turut membantu.
5) Saya nak cikgu
lelaki lah, sebab anak saya pemalu kalau cikgu perempuan ajar, Boleh ker?
In Sha
Alloh puan, kami utamakan keselesaan pelajar dan ibubapa pelajar, Kami memang
akan hantar cikgu mengikut jantina pelajar.
6) Apa yang saya perlu sediakan, whiteboard perlu ker?
Yang tu optional
tuan/puan, kalau tiada whiteboard OK, kalau ada satu BONUS
7) Buku-buku macam
mana pula?
Buku atau bahan, pihak
tutor kami akan sediakan, kalau buku sudah ada lagi bagus.
8) Kalau saya nak buat group dalam 3-4 orang
boleh ker, biasa lah anak saya cepat bosan kalau belajar sorang-sorang?
memang tujuan kami tuan/puan, bukan nak suruh bosan belajar, tapi nak latih
bila duduk seorang diri pun still boleh belajar. So, kami tak galakkan untuk
buat group takut FOKUS pelajar terhadap pembelajaran terganggu. Dalam 1-2 orang
dalam satu group boleh dipertimbangkan lagi mengikut tahap pelajar.
9) Berapa kadar bayaran untuk anak saya UPSR?
Untuk UPSR kami ambil
RM30/jam. 1sesi 2jam. Maksudnya sekali tutor datang mengajar RM60 sahaja
10) Berapa kadar
bayaran untuk anak saya PT3?
PT3 kami ambil RM35/jam. 1sesi 2jam. Maksudnya sekali tutor datang mengajar
RM70 sahaja tuan/puan.
11) Berapa kadar
bayaran untuk anak saya SPM?
Untuk SPM
kami ambil RM40/jam. 1sesi 2jam. Maksudnya sekali tutor datang mengajar RM80
sahaja tuan/puan.
12) Kelas berapa kali
dalam sebulan?
Minimum kelas 4 kali dalam
sebulan, tapi kalau tuan/puan nak lebih daripada itu terpulang pada pihak
13) Hari dan masa mana kelas nie buat?
Untuk hari dan masa pula,
pihak tuan/puan boleh tetapkan dulu masa mana yg tuan/puan mahu buat kelas dan
kami akan ‘match’ kan masa dengan tutor kami. Kami akan hantar tutor jika tutor
free pada waktu yang pihak tuan/puan inginkan.
14) Kalau dalam 2 jam
tu buat 2 subjek, boleh ker?
kena tengok pada prestasi pelajar tu tuan/puan, kalau pelajar tu cepat
‘tangkap’ apa yang diajar dalam masa 1 jam, kita boleh buat macam tu. Dan
kebiasaan nya boleh untuk pelajar sekolah rendah, Pelajar sekolah menengah atas
tidak digalakkan.
1) What is Tuisyen Individu?
Tuisyen Individu is a home tuition service which is we provide a tutor for a student (1:1) Focus on study only at HOME.
2) Study at home?is it proper?
Absolutely! just need to reserve a small space for the session and make sure NO DISTURBANCE.
3) What about the teacher?
We recruited a group of experince teachers graduated from universities. School teacher are LIMITED due to the constraint time.
4) Do they know the syllabus & latest format?
The teachers were updated & alerted to the syllabus & latest format from management.
5) Could we choose the teacher?
It could be UNLESS there NO AVAILABLE teacher at the time.
6) What we need to provide? whiteboard for example?
It is an optional. whiteboard is an advantage.
7) What about reference & exercise books?
Exercise books will be provided BUT reference books is EXCLUDED.
8) What about grouping?
1-2 per group(allowed).
3-4 per group(based on performance)
9) Fees?
UPSR: RM30/hour(2hour/session)
PT3: RM35/hour(2 hour/session)
SPM: RM40/hour(2 hour/session)
10) How many times or classes/month?
Minimum 4 times or classes/month.
It could be more than 4 times but it depends on parent & student.
11) What about day & time for the session?
You may choose the day & time. We will send an AVAILABLE TUTOR that exactly match as your requested.
12) 2 hours/2 subjects?
Only for PRIMARY STUDENT who got a great achievement.
Tuisyen Individu is a home tuition service which is we provide a tutor for a student (1:1) Focus on study only at HOME.
2) Study at home?is it proper?
Absolutely! just need to reserve a small space for the session and make sure NO DISTURBANCE.
3) What about the teacher?
We recruited a group of experince teachers graduated from universities. School teacher are LIMITED due to the constraint time.
4) Do they know the syllabus & latest format?
The teachers were updated & alerted to the syllabus & latest format from management.
5) Could we choose the teacher?
It could be UNLESS there NO AVAILABLE teacher at the time.
6) What we need to provide? whiteboard for example?
It is an optional. whiteboard is an advantage.
7) What about reference & exercise books?
Exercise books will be provided BUT reference books is EXCLUDED.
8) What about grouping?
1-2 per group(allowed).
3-4 per group(based on performance)
9) Fees?
UPSR: RM30/hour(2hour/session)
PT3: RM35/hour(2 hour/session)
SPM: RM40/hour(2 hour/session)
10) How many times or classes/month?
Minimum 4 times or classes/month.
It could be more than 4 times but it depends on parent & student.
11) What about day & time for the session?
You may choose the day & time. We will send an AVAILABLE TUTOR that exactly match as your requested.
12) 2 hours/2 subjects?
Only for PRIMARY STUDENT who got a great achievement.
1 ulasan:
Bleh tak kalau 2 jam/1subjek
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